Wednesday, March 5, 2014

Long overdue

I keep thinking, man it's been so long since I've blogged...I have so much to say!  But when I actually make a moment to write, my mind goes blank.  So I apologize in advance if this blog isn't very succinct.  

The last couple of months have been pretty taxing, not just for me and my family, but for everyone.  The subzero temperatures have made this winter nearly impossible to enjoy, plus the frigid temps have wrecked havoc on vehicles and homes.  It's hard to stay positive and set goals when it's all "doom and gloom" everywhere.  However, I feel during difficult times is when setting goals is most important.

At the beginning of February, we changed to a new gym that is closer to home which includes far less equipment and people.  The atmosphere was completely different than what I had become accustom to, which I actually unexpectedly have grown to like.  I thought I would miss the social aspect from the gym I had been previously attending.  However, quite the opposite has happened.  Without this becoming any sort of pity party, I would like to share a moment of realization that I had.  Reflecting with a friend the other day on how I missed the old gym faces, I realized that no one from our previous gym has messaged me, called or this point, it's been three weeks.  I have reached out with a comment or two on Facebook posts but with barely an awknowledgement in return.  This has forced me to take a deep look inward.

I am working out to impress noone, except myself.  

I am working out to compete with noone, but myself.  

I do not need acceptance from anyone, except from myself.  

I never realized how heavily I still relied on others for motivation, acceptance and approval, particularly during my gym time!  I'm saddened to no longer see those faces, but I also realize they had become a crutch for me.  I know that in passing there would be (and have been) a limited, but friendly exchange of hellos. That'll do. 

This last week in particular has been freeing.  I have been forced to challenge myself.  I also have two accountabili-buddies, my  best friend Jodi and my husband.  They  push me to do my personal best and hold me accountable to my exercise and eating.  They've always been there all along, but were overshadowed by my desire to fit in with the "gym crowd."  

A week and a half ago I set up a mini goal to lose 2 pounds in a week.  See, from November through mid-February I lost zero pounds, still gymed the same number of days in a week yet lost not a pound.  After changing gyms, I admittedly struggled the first couple weeks.  I went and I was able to focus on running, but still felt a little deflated.  Jodi and I had a couple of deep conversations about our goals and frustrations which has in turn, helped to intensify our workouts.  Also helps that the stressors that were holding me back have subsided.  We are in a groove, and feeling accomplished.  I met (well, exceeded) my goal for the first week.   This week I want to lose another 2 pounds and Sunday I'll weigh in.  I've really honed in my eating, strictly weighing and measuring everything and counting calories. This won't be how I eat forever, but it's what is best for me right now.  I still drink my shakes due to convenience, but I count those calories just the same.  

So back to the importance of goals! During the easy times, it's just that....easy.  But during the hard times, I know that I need to set smaller goals.  Setting goals gives me something to look forward to and push towards.  Something to, in a sense, give me tunnel vision and force me to focus.  

So although I never stopped, although I have kept on going, somehow I can still say I'm back!

Top left - I have some arm muscles!  
Top right - my sweaty buddy and I 
Bottom left - great workout!
Bottom right - I cut my own shirt...first attempt, need more
Practice :)

(Please note that I understand larger gyms with lots of equipment, people and support is not necessarily a bad thing and it's what some people need - it's what I needed for quite a while!)

Sunday, February 2, 2014

Time to get Uncomfortable

Remember when you first started working out and you could barely walk because your muscles were so sore?  Remember when your body was losing weight and inches quickly because exercising and eating right was all new and confused your body?  Remember when making yourself go to the gym took a lot of support from others?

I remember that too.  I remember when it was all new, exciting, and challenging.  Then sometime into my second 90-day challenge, I got comfortable.  I hit a plateau and my progress ceased.  I still went to the gym regularly, had my ViSalus shakes regularly and I didn't gain anything back (thankfully).  I was just doing it all out if habit and keeping myself consistent.  

My friend reached out to me and said something along the lines of being fearful of going back to old bad habits.  That's when it hit me (and her)....we need to get our asses in gear again.  We are too comfortable.  We need to push it.  Consistency and new habits are great, but we are not going to see results unless we push beyond our current abilities for more.  

So instead of "going to the gym" to create a habit (that's already done), we need to go to literally work our asses off. We have also started logging our daily diets on myfitnesspal again.  Drinking shakes does not make us invinsible from eating poorly (which includes not eating enough or eating too much).  We are taking it 30 days at a time.  My First goal is to lose 10 pounds by March 1.  So it's sort of like when we first started as far as needing support and accountability.  Except this time instead of creating new healthy habits, we are fine tuning those habits and pushing beyond our current limits. 

Thursday, January 2, 2014

Running in a Thong

When I hear someone say they don't have time to workout or eat healthy, I cringe.  I cringe because I used to operate on the same mentality - too busy, too tired, too this or too that.  Excuses fuel the CANNOT DO mindset and then in turn, confidence is lost.

Today, rushing from one thing to the next without breathing room is very typical.  It's easy to get lost in the hustle and bustle of life.  I know that once my alarm goes off (and sometimes even before), my brain starts going through the list for the day.  Then, as we get ourselves dressed and ready for the day, we are also getting the kids going, packing the day bags, making breakfast, and of course, making coffee.  By the time we head for the door, we are feeling ready for the day and frantic all at the same time.  It's easy to take care of everyone else and put ourselves last, right moms?

I really feel that the biggest mistake moms in particular make is not putting themselves first.  Then, when we don't accomplish our goals, that's when excuses come in to play and we use those excuses to make it "okay" to not accomplish our goals.  Every time another goal falls through the cracks, a little piece of us goes with it.  In no time flat we are left deflated, defeated and lacking worth.  We can hide those feelings for a long time until one day we realize how unhappy we have actually become.  

The best thing I ever did for my family was to put my health first.  Three years ago was the first time I seriously embraced my fitness and health for more than just the vanity of it.  After losing 50 pounds and feeling the best I've ever felt, I knew I was on the path to changing my life.  Then, after a bout of laziness while pregnant with our now 1 year old, all of that has been put back into perspective for me again.  I found after gaining the weight back that I was blue, even during the happiest time of my life.  Starting back on our weightloss and fitness journey has helped me find my confidence and happiness again.

Just like everyone, I'm busy.  I rush from one thing to the next, but I no longer make excuses - I pack my healthy snacks, I pack my workout clothes, and we plan our workout times.  I get tired, I am sore, and I sometimes just "don't wanna", but I'm not letting excuses hold me back anymore.  I am important.  

And yes, I've forgotten "certain" workout clothes and had to run in a thong.  Not my brightest moment but also, not as uncomfortable as one would think.

Make your health a priority.  
No excuses in 2014.