Saturday, June 25, 2011

A Surprise Visit, a Bad Burn and My First 5K

It has certainly been a crazy busy few weeks.  I haven’t had a single moment to blog because I had a surprise visit from a very special person…MY MOM!  Eight years ago my Mom took a very courageous step in her life and moved to Australia.  She met a great man via the Internet and after a couple of years of shorts visits and online communication she made the difficult decision to move.  It’s been three years since I last saw my Mom and Stepdad [they were here visiting].  When Patrick and I got engaged last summer they secretly made the decision to come and surprise us.  They have been quietly collaborating with my Brother and Sister-in-Law since late last summer.  It was a FANTASTIC surprise and I have enjoyed every moment spent with them.  Even with the Internet, Facebook and Skype, it’s still not the same as in-person visiting. 

My Beautiful Mother, Myself and My Sister-In-Law

On June 13th we were enjoying a beautiful evening outside using our above ground fire pit [with lid of course].  Well the lid was removed and I walked right into it, severely burning my shin.  I have kept it very well cared for, Patrick tells me I’m very meticulous about keeping it cleaned and wrapped.  I didn’t realize how long it takes for burns to heal.  I decided to take a week off from running [again] because I was having some bruising around the wounded area with shooting pain and hot spots.  I learned quickly from my shin splints that I need to listen to my body and take the time off.  Plus it gave me some extra time to visit with my family. 

Back in January my dear friend Randi signed us up for this 5K as a push to get us moving towards our goals.  I can’t thank her enough for giving me no choices and making this commitment with me.  At the end of March I started the Couch to 5K Program and now I’m up to running 30-45 minute runs several times a week.  **I recently decided I’d start the Bridge to 10K Program [from the same creators as C25K] once my Mom and Stepdad head home.**

So, coming up on my 5K, I was concerned that I wouldn’t be able to run this race due to the pain and bruising.  Plus having a week off from running just prior to my race seemed like an obvious set back as well.  From the beginning of my training, I set a goal time of 40 minutes or less.  Leading up to the race this week, I just kept telling myself; at least you’re doing the race and changed my goal to “Just finish the race.” 

This morning Randi and I nervously set out for our first 5K – we cranked our headphones, found our pace [12 minute mile] and soon realized that we both felt great.  As we approached the halfway mark I checked our time - only approximately 17 minutes had passed!  We realized that we were doing really well and that we could finish in 40 minutes.  We pushed along and when we saw the finish, we sprinted to the end.  As we crossed the finish line the time clicked over to 38 minutes.  My heart screamed with excitement!  I did it in less than 40 minutes!  It was awesome to have my husband and Mom there to root us on and support us at the finish and it was also very awesome to run with one of my best friends. 

We made our way to the registration area where you could get your official run time and fuel your body with healthy food.  When I saw our official time was 37:17 I felt an overwhelming sense of pride.  When I had done a trial run, I completed the 3.1 miles in 42 minutes.  This was 5 minutes faster.  I truly felt great too, like I could have run longer.  What an awesome sense of accomplishment.  I look forward to improving my time each race – my next is July 16th in Petoskey. 

Sunday, June 12, 2011

Slow and Steady

For someone who doesn’t count calories or keep track of their food intake, I’m sure I look like a crazy person: weighing my chicken, measuring my vegetables, reading labels and entering calories into my phone app.  But what I have found is, if I am not diligent with these things I give up!  Remember my blog about Failures?  I have done this many times before.  I’ve had ‘mini goals’ and even purchased goal clothing [which, by the way, I have never been able to wear….but this time, I’m very close].  I’ve done weight watchers, calorie counting and other weight loss techniques.  Until this time around, I’ve never been held accountable for these things.  I’d do it for a few weeks but then, I’d slowly allow bad habits to start creeping back into my life. 

You know, it can be embarrassing to be that person  who measures everything out and calculates the calories [especially in a group of people]. And a harmless comment like “oh, just let today be a free day!” or “That one little bite won’t hurt you,” is common from someone who doesn’t know about, or take into consideration my previous failures.  I have taken that one little bite and not counted it, many, many times in my previous attempts at weight loss and look at where it got me…right back to being overweight.
Counting calories and having my food diary public holds me accountable to myself, especially knowing others can see what I’m eating and how I’m exercising.  So this time it’s different because I have asked for support, made my journey public and am being held accountable by friends and even “strangers” [thank you myfitnesspal friends].

I certainly don’t want to come off as judgmental and I hope that no one feels that way.  I talk a LOT about calories, exercise, weight loss, and other health related topics.  [Stacy, there is 25 calorie cheese!! J]  I’m sure my dedication and enthusiasm could be misinterpreted and I want to be sure that is not the case.  The reason I’m semi-obsessive about counting calories and exercising, is because this time, I will not allow myself to fail.  I also know that my support system will not allow me to fail either.  One year ago, I started this blog.  Funny enough, my second blog entry was titled "Slow and Steady."  Now, I can giggle about it a little because of how far I have come.  If you have time, go back through and read my old blog entries.  You’ll see a different person because a year ago, I had failed yet again.  Not this time.

It’s an amazing feeling to see so many people getting healthy – whether that’s motivation from me or from somewhere inside themselves.  My friend Jodi now has a walking group who meets at 9 pm every evening in East Jordan.  To know that I was a catalyst to making that happen makes my heart smile.  I hope that I continue to inspire and motivate people to get healthy. 

Just remember to take the small steps and do one thing at a time.  One of Westley & Akira’s favorite books is Goofy’s Big Race.  Donald challenges Goofy to a race through town to an ice cream shop.  Goofy repeats over and over “Slow and Steady, Steady and Slow, That’s the way we always go.”  Guess who won that race? 

Guess who’s going to win MY race?  
Slow and Steady my friends, Slow and Steady.

September 2010 & January 2011 
[There are few full body shots me me!  Both of these are size 18 jeans].

Current!  New Size 12 Jeans [no, not the silvers yet, but getting close]

Tuesday, June 7, 2011

Halfway There!

I was stuck in this stupid, ugly, rotten, hopeless plateau.  I wasn’t losing weight. I wasn’t losing inches. I was only losing confidence.  Questioning my workouts, my eating, my beverage in-take….questioning everything I was doing [or not doing enough of].  I pushed myself harder and as a result I got nothing but a shin splint and shooting pain into my knee.  Which, of course, led me into a week of no running in order for my leg to recoup and heal [after seeking expert advice]. 

I’ve learned a few lessons during this last week. 

Lesson 1:  I need to be
patient with my body during these intense changes.  This is new for me.  Although it has become so routine and normal for me to eat healthier [within my calorie allotment] and to work out on a regular basis, I forget that in the big picture, this is still new.  It’s only been five months.

Lesson 2: I need to push and challenge myself, but stay within my body’s [current] limits.  So maybe running up a big hill isn’t the best idea for me as a newbie runner.  Next time, I’ll challenge myself with sprints or a longer run.  Quite honestly, Zumba/Latin Dance kicks my ass [quite literally], so I think I can lay off running up hills for the moment.  [Thanks Randi for dragging me along to class in the first place!]

Lesson 3: I need to listen to my body.  I’ve been trying to listen in terms of food to eat.  For example, if I’m craving milk, I drink milk;  If I crave certain fruits, I eat them; and if I crave bad stuff [like greasy food or sweets], either Patrick will make me a delicious at-home version or I allow myself a small portion that will satisfy the craving.  [But I still won’t allow myself to eat fast food – giving that up for all of 2011…and maybe forever, I’m starting to not miss it….finally].  Anyway, where I find the lesson here, is I need to listen to my body in terms of exercise.  When I’m feeling tired and over-worked, I need to take a break.  Period.

Yesterday was fantastic.  I decided to take a half day off of work and sleep in.  I woke up to an empty house [kids are with their Dad this week and Patrick was at work].  I showered, got dressed, styled my hair and did my make-up.  Was ready to head out the door, but first I sat at the computer for a second to update my status on Facebook.  It was so quiet.  So I made a pot of coffee and relaxed for a bit.  Then I was realized I could get so much done!  I changed my clothes, put on a bandana and took the day off work!  I mowed our entire lawn [what a sweaty, dirty calorie burn.]  It was an amazing ME day.

Lesson 4:  I need to drink more H20.  Last week in my frenzy to determine “WHAT IS WRONG WITH MY BODY?!” I decided to drink more water.  I haven’t really set a daily goal, I just know want to get up to the recommended 64 ounces per day [as a minimum].  Currently I’m around 40-64 ounces depending on the day.  Sadly, that’s far better than I was doing [which was an embarrassing 4-8 ounces per day…if that]. 

In short, although I do miss running, this past week off has been good [and it helped me break that pesky plateau!]  Yea, you read that right.  The plateau that started this whole two weeks of lessons learned, gone.  I lost 3.5 pounds and now I'm officially half way to my main goal.  I have lost 30 pounds and 30.5 inches.  HALF-WAY through the year [Happy June.] and HALF-WAY to my Goal. 

P.S.  As I sit here on our back porch, sipping a Goose Island 312 [135 calories] and finishing my blog, I realize how wonderful life really is.  

Silver Jeans….here I come.