Wednesday, July 31, 2013

So why Vi?

ViSalus is that meal replacement drink that everyone has been talking about.  Yes, I've tried many different diets in my lifetime and the only thing that really works is eating right and exercising.  Just like everyone who's healthy says - so why Vi?  Well, it's my easy way out to eating healthier....

After getting pregnant, I got lazy. I started back into some bad eating habits.  Eating out, fast food, unhealthy snacks...all things that seem easy to change.  But toss in our crazy busy summer schedule (we're lucky to find time for showers, let alone portioning foods for the week).  So we Vi.  For us, it is the easy option.  Using the shakes gives me the ease of not having to make a decision on what to eat (which is a whole other dilemma for me).  Breakfasts are no longer skipped because I'm rushing out the door, lunches are no longer $10-15 meals, and dinner - well, my husband plans.  

I do think viSalus could be life changing for someone who has had a lifelong issue with over eating, eating unhealthy, or the inability or dedication to count calories.  It has not necessarily been life altering for me, but it has been a time saver and a huge stress relief.  I don't have to calculate what I'm able to eat that day due to calorie allotments, I never skip meals anymore and I don't feel guilty when I do eat.

Do you find yourself eating out a lot? Skipping meals?  Eating too much?  Never able to keep with the calorie counting?  I suggest giving ViSalus a try.

As a side note: I loathe Thursday workouts. 

*Seamus is not actually drinking my shake, however he wishes he could.  

Tuesday, July 30, 2013

Skinny arms, fat thighs

I love seeing my husband so motivated to get (and stay) healthy.  Not to mention, he's looking mighty fine, but I hate that men lose weight so much "easier" and quicker.  I know that he's worked really hard to lose what he has, but damn...I've worked really fucking hard too.  He's down a pants size...his chest looks amazing....his face is thinner....

I am not losing motivation, I just want to see results in myself.  I do see my arms are looking thinner, and building muscle/toning; but my thighs and after-Seamus-belly are still fluffy, and jiggly.  I know it doesn't happen over night...but it's been over 30 days of consistent gym 5 days a week and now we've added running too. 

Looking forward to the big picture: My goal is to lose 32.4 pounds and be back into a size 10 by Dec. 18 - this gives me 20 weeks.  That will equate to about 1.6 pounds a week from now until then.  I am feeling healthy and stronger....just not thinner.  

Anyone else struggling with not seeing results?  What do you do to stay encouraged?

Friday, July 19, 2013

I Crave More (and so does he)

My husband left me speechless today.  My husband...the home-body who hates  the thought of running and whom I had to convince to go to the gym 30 days ago. He left me speechless when he said, upon picking me up from work to head to the gym, "I feel like I could run.  Like...I want to go running."  I sat in silence.

See, I too have been craving more.  I love our meltdowns and gym workouts, but I feel like my body is ready for more.  However, I'm struggling with how to incorporate MORE into our already busy schedule - work, kids, kid schedules, oh and maintaining our marriage too.  I'd love to add mad dance, running, boot camp workouts....

My response to Patrick was something like:  "Are you kidding me?!  I'll totally run with you."  And then of course the planning process started to roll in my head because I need to figure out how to make this happen before he changes his mind!  So as I'm trying to brainstorm a kid plan, My 8 year old pipes up from the back seat, "Mommy, I could ride my bike with you!"  And my 6 year old says, "I can too Mom!"  Then there's the baby....Patrick says, "I'll push the baby in his stroller."  

So tonight, we run.  Day 1, Couch to 5K, WITH my husband and children. 


UPDATE:  Westley (8) rode his bike along with Patchy while he pushed the stroller.  I took Akira (6) along with me (she's a beginner biker without training wheels).  It wasn't pretty...but we did it!!  

Monday, July 15, 2013

Don't ever give up!

Shouldn't motivating myself for gym-time get easier as I continue to regularly attend?  Then why the hell was today so freakin hard?  I dreaded going the whole time up until I was actually there.  Thankfully right now there is no other option other than to go.  With 68 days left of the 90-day challenge, there is no quitting or taking days off because I've committed myself to the full 90-days.

I'm not really even sure why I was so "Negative Nancy" about the gym today because I surprised myself.  I moved up in dumbbell weights, I did more butt lifts than ever and I rocked jumping jacks like a boss (well, compared to day 1 at least).  

I guess my takeaway from today was, when the going gets tough...get tougher and just go anyway.  Push through the negative thoughts like I did today and just go.  I know that tomorrow, next week, next month and next year I will thank myself for going today.  


Friday, July 12, 2013

Trust the Process

The scale hasn't moved much and although I know my body is changing and I know I am getting stronger, I still can't help feeling a little bit down.  

Our fitness coach Dean keeps saying "trust the process".  I feel like it is the slowest gosh darn process ever and it's making me frustrated.  

Then yesterday, I woke up to the below text from a friend.  

Getting this text was just what I needed.  So I measured myself and have lost 4 inches (2 from my chest, 1 from my waist, 1 from my hips). Nothing too spectacular, but it's something.  19 days of the 90 day challenge complete, 71 to go!  

Wednesday, July 3, 2013


ABS and I don't mean antilock brake system, however, that is how I felt today.  During my first ab workout, my entire core said...Nope, not today - big red stop sign.  Body brakes slammed to the floor.  But I pushed through it.  If I keep doing what I've always done, I'll always get what I've always got.  Time to break old habits and normalities.  

I imagine that actually having abs would help during 'ab' day.  I know it is not much of an epiphany in and of itself, but factor in the  that I have really never worked my abs (let alone have a flat tummy). I know that even though it is hard as hell and even though I feel like a bit of a loser for sucking so bad today, I know that with continued efforts it will get better.  

Monday, July 1, 2013

One week complete

The first week of the Meltdown Workouts = complete.  In the first week I have bid farewell to 6.8 (basically 7) pounds from my body.  I remember the first 10 pounds went really fast last time, so although I'm super excited, I'm still guarded.  I know in order to truly make this a life style change and to forever remain healthy, it is going to take a lot of work and dedication.  So far, I don't miss the old habits (even smoking) but I know the day will come when it isn't so easy.  Which is why I am so glad to have people doing this with me.  Even the ones who aren't on the same path as me as still supporting me as I go - encouraging and pushing me.  And for that, I thank you.  

Saw this quote this reminded me of my blog from the other day.  

I'm not starting over again.  I've done that enough times and its not easy.  I'd rather just keep on, keepin on.